All you need to know about our service to you

Patient Information

All you need to know about our service to you

Patient Information

Opening Hours

Grimshaw St. Medical Clinic

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm

Saturdays & Sundays: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Public Holidays: Closed


585-587 Grimshaw Street

Bundoora, VIC 3083

Phone: (03) 9467 5541



Plenty Road Health Services

Monday to Friday 9:00am—3:00pm


784 Plenty Road

South Morang, VIC 3752

Phone: (03) 840 71400



QPA Accredited Practice


If your condition is life-threatening or requires hospital care please dial 000 to call for an ambulance.

Our closest emergency department is:
• Northern Hospital Ph: 03 8405 8000
• Austin Hospital Ph: 03 9496 5000

After Hours Consultations

After Hours a home visit can be arranged through DOCTOR DOCTOR Locum Service by calling 132660. All patients’ who use this service are bulk- billed provided they have a valid Medicare card. This service is available after 6.00pm to 8am on weekdays and 11.00am on weekends to Monday until 8am and all Public Holidays. This message is accessible on our clinic answering machine when calling After Hours (6pm). A report will then be sent to your Doctor to notify them of the consultation & any action to followed up.

Home Visits

Home visits from our doctors are only available to elderly patients who are physically unable to visit the clinic. These visits should be booked through reception in the morning if possible by ringing 03 9467 5541

More Information For You

Here are some additional information about our service to you.

We are here for you 7 days a week, Monday to Sunday. Please call us during business hours to schedule an appointment or book online. You can book into the Doctor of your choice at the first available appointment. If your need is urgent, please tell the receptionist who will arrange a Doctor to fit you in. We can get extremely busy, so if you cannot keep an appointment, please call and advise reception as soon as possible, so we can give it to someone else. We prefer all patients to make appointments if possible. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time. If you have a complex problem or required more than two people to be seen by the Doctor, please inform us so that adequate time can be allocated. Emergencies will always be given priority.

We understand that from time to time that emergencies may occur or things come up and are out of your control. We would appreciate you letting us know at your earliest if you need to cancel your appointment at least 2 hours prior to your GP appointment must be provided.

Failure in letting us know, may result in you occurring a cancellation fee of $40. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

GP-Telehealth | Phone Consultation
All our doctors can do consultations over the phone or via Video Conferencing.
Please book in HotDoc or call our reception to find out if you need a phone/ video

Walk-in Appointments
Our clinic accepts walk-in, and you will be triaged by the reception.

Electronic Communication

Email: Our practice does not communicate with patients via email unless for an
emergency purpose. Patients need to establish the correct identity and complete an
email communication consent form.

SMS: We use HotDoc for our online appointment booking, and for automated SMS
communication to send appointment reminders, clinical reminders, payment
requests, and health campaigns.

A follow-up appointment is needed to receive any results.
For the continuing management of our patient’s health, we utilize a systematic reminder system to provide health promotion, preventative care, and early detection of disease.
This practice regularly sends out reminder and recall letters for immunisations, pap smears and any abnormal results. If you do not wish to participate please notify our doctors or reception staff so documentation of this will be made in your file.

Your medical records are a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain the security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles available at:
Your confidentiality and personnel records will be always respected and treated with the greatest of care. However, it helps the reception staff if you can indicate if your problem is urgent. You do not need to give any details of your problem. You can obtain a copy of our complete policy from the receptionist.

An appointment must be made to see a doctor when you require prescriptions and referrals.

Continual referrals can only be requested during the consultation with your doctor. All referrals must be written before you see the specialist. It is illegal for any doctor to
write a referral after the specialist has seen you.

Repeat prescriptions/ referrals will not be done without an appointment, unless by special arrangement with your regular GP, all patients on regular medication are required to be monitored by a doctor.

Out-of-pocket cost: When you doctor provides you the referral to another health care provider (Third-party referrals), please be aware that most of the healthcare providers have an out-of-pocket cost (GAP fee) which your doctor can advise you during the consultation. You can also directly contact the third party to inquire about the fees.

It is extremely important our clinic has access to your current medical/personal history. Please approach staff at reception where you will be given an update form to complete.

The clinic has access to The Doctor’s Priority Line at the Translating & Interpreting Service, also known as TIS National, which provides immediate telephone interpreting assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from a pool of over 1750 interpreters with access to a wide range of languages.

Only Emergency phone calls will be put through to the doctor on duty. Our doctor's prefer not to consult over the phone. Please come into the clinic if possible.

Please make an appointment with your Doctor to obtain your results. Results can not be obtained over the phone due to confidentiality.

If you have any concern, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to any of our Doctors or practice staff, in confidence. An appointment can be made at your convenience, we are here to help.

If you have a health-related complaint, please do not hesitate to talk to us. Please contact our friendly reception staff for more information. We assure you that all your concerns and feedback will be treated with respect, dealt with in a timely manner, and we will maintain confidentiality of the parties involved.

If our service fails to meet your expectations, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist. You may prefer to write to us. We take your concerns, suggestions, and complaints seriously.

Health complaints commissioner
Telephone: 1300 582 113
Postal address:
Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Complaints that relate to privacy issues or concerns that cannot be resolved internally are to be directed to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Postal Address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<br>

Our clinic engages with a wide range of relevant health professionals and community services to improve and facilitate optimal patient care. Should your doctor feel it necessary to refer you to another health professional, all necessary details and information will be discussed during your consultation.

- Check-ups
- Family planning
- Children Health
- Antenatal care
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check
- Pap smears
- Pregnancy tests
- Heart checks (ECG)
- Diabetes and chronic disease management
- INR’s, Blood pressure and blood sugar tests
- Holter monitoring
- Audiometry (hearing), Spirometry (breathing),
- Counselling
- Vaccination (children &amp; travel)
- Minor surgery
- Suturing cuts

- Removal of lesions
- Cryotherapy - Sunspots and warts
- Nutritional/diabetic advice
- Mental health
- Skin checks
- Work injuries
- Pre-employment Medical
- Life insurance medicals
- Blood tests – 4Cyte provides a pathology collection service

Onsite parking and public street parking is available.

Grimshaw Street Medical Clinic is a teaching practice so occasionally there may be a medical student sitting in with your consultation. We will inform you ahead of your consultation and you have the right to decline to have a student sitting in.

Abusive behaviour towards our doctors and staff is not tolerated and any patient engaging in abusive behaviour will be asked to leave our practice.

 Doctors at this clinic offer mixed billing, and Fees are payable in full at the time of consultation by cash or EFTPOS (preferred).

 Our standard billing policy is displayed in the reception area of the surgery and other costs are available prior to procedures. 

If you have any difficulty in paying our fees, please discuss it with us.

Who is Bulk Billed at our practice?
Pensioners, Health Care Card Holders, Veterans Affairs, children under 16 are bulk billed.

Practice Fees